One Word Many Meanings

Each Classical Tamil word has many possible meanings

Because in incantation languages like Classical Tamil, each word has many possible meanings to it, with mind humbly invoking Lord Siva's Grace, we just have to look into the classical Tamil dictionary for the meaning of each word in a Tirumantiram verse that yields a coherent and wholesome meaning.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tirumantiram 149 - Tantra 1 - Even knowing that body can be preserved for a time, the subtle body does not return to it

மன்றத்தே நம்பி மாடம் எடுத்தது
மன்றத்தே நம்பி சிவிகை பெற்று-ஏகினான்
மன்றத்தே நம்பி முக்கு-ஓடி வழங்கினான்
சென்று அத்து-ஆ என்னத் திரிந்து-இலன் தானே. 149

Literal Translation
1  Long-street-in best-among-men 'enclosure' assumed
2  Long-street-in best-among-men palanquin having-obtained-crossed-he
3  Long-street-in best-among-men corner-having-run-to moved-he
4  Having-gone 'limit-prohibition'-thus stated-to returned-not-he of-own-accord (!)  

Lucid Translation
The (dead) best among men's,
1)  (physical body) a)  assumed the enclosure (1) in the long street,
                                   b)  having obtained a palanquin, crossed the long street, and
                                   c)  moved (on to the burial / cremation ground),
                                        having run to the corner (of the long street), and
2)  (subtle body) returned not of his own accord (to phsyical body),
     having (remained separate from physical body for a time that has) 
     gone to the prohibited limit (2) (of time for preserving the dead physical body).

Glossary of terms
1  'Enclosure' in line 1 refers to the enclosure 
    in which the dead body is either laid down or kept erect
    for being carried to the burial ground or cremation ground

2  'Limit' in line 4 refers to the time limit beyond which 
    the dead body may have to be disposed off
    by either being buried or being cremated