One Word Many Meanings

Each Classical Tamil word has many possible meanings

Because in incantation languages like Classical Tamil, each word has many possible meanings to it, with mind humbly invoking Lord Siva's Grace, we just have to look into the classical Tamil dictionary for the meaning of each word in a Tirumantiram verse that yields a coherent and wholesome meaning.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tirumantiram 148 - Tantra 1 - Man may die suddenly, amidst sensual indulgence

அடப்பண்ணி வைத்தார் அடிசிலை உண்டார்
மடக் கொடியாரொடு மந்தணம் கொண்டார்
இடப்பக்கமே இறை நொந்தது என்றார்
கிடக்கப் படுத்தார் கிடந் தொழிந்தாரே.  148 

Literal Translation   
1  Cook-to-made laid-He food-the ate-He
2  Delicate creeper-like-(female)ones-with secret grabbed-He
3  Left-side-(alone!) mild(ly) pained thus-(said)-He
4  Aside-lay-to lied-(down)-He aside-laid subsided-He(!).

Lucid Translation
1  He ate the food (which he) made (his wife) to cook (for him) 
    and (his wife) laid (in front of him)
2  He grabbed the secret with the delicate creeper-like female (his wife).
3  He said that the left side of his body pained mildly.
4  He lied down to lay aside (the pain).  (But,) He subsided, (having been) laid aside.

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