சீக்கை விளைந்தது செய்வினை மூட்டு-இற்ற
ஆக்கை பிரிந்தது அலகு பழுத்தது
மூக்கினில் கை-வைத்து மூடிட்டுக் கொண்டு-போய்க்
காக்கைக்குப் பலி காட்டியவாறே. 147.
Literal Translation
1 Phlegm formed did-action rise-broken
2 Rope separated chin grey-colour-assumed
3 Nose-in rope-inner-coil-keeping taken-gone
4 Protection-for ash produced (lo! counted thus)
Lucid Translation
1 With phlegm formed, rising (association with physical frame) of past action (impressions) broken,
2 With (breath-) rope (binding Ida and Pingala nerves) separated and chin assumed grey colour
3 With physical frame taken and gone, keeping 'rope-inner-coil' in nose,
4 Protection-for ash produced (from cremation of the physical frame) (lo! counted thus)
Literal Translation
1 Phlegm formed did-action rise-broken
2 Rope separated chin grey-colour-assumed
3 Nose-in rope-inner-coil-keeping taken-gone
4 Protection-for ash produced (lo! counted thus)
Lucid Translation
1 With phlegm formed, rising (association with physical frame) of past action (impressions) broken,
2 With (breath-) rope (binding Ida and Pingala nerves) separated and chin assumed grey colour
3 With physical frame taken and gone, keeping 'rope-inner-coil' in nose,
4 Protection-for ash produced (from cremation of the physical frame) (lo! counted thus)