One Word Many Meanings

Each Classical Tamil word has many possible meanings

Because in incantation languages like Classical Tamil, each word has many possible meanings to it, with mind humbly invoking Lord Siva's Grace, we just have to look into the classical Tamil dictionary for the meaning of each word in a Tirumantiram verse that yields a coherent and wholesome meaning.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Tirumantiram 137 - Tantra 1 - Raising awareness to skull, we experience Siva's feet on the left above the skull

அடங்கு பேரண்டத்து-அணு அண்டம்-சென்று அங்கு 
இடம்-கொண்ட தில்லை இது-அன்றி வேறு-உண்டோ (?)
கடம்-தொறும் நின்ற-உயிர் கரை காணில்
திடம்-பெற நின்றான் திருவடி தானே (!)  .137.

Literal Translation
1  Subsiding huge universe-aggregate's seed sky-(having-)gone(,) there
2  occupied hiding tree this(body-aggregate)-without another does-abide (?)
3  Body-aggregate-in abided soul(,) Border sees-if
4  firm-state get-to abided-His Holy-Foot alone(!)

Lucid Translation
1  With the subsiding huge universe-aggregate's seed, having gone to the sky,
2  the hiding tree occupied there, does there abide another (than this body-aggregate) ?
3  If the soul abiding in body-aggregate(,) sees its Border,
4  Holy Feet, alone (will abide), of Siva who abided for getting the firm state.


  1. The Tirumantiram is a mystical book and a difficult book. The original text is written in metered verse, composed in the ancient Tamil language....

  2. I 'saw' from your comment that my translation of this TM137 had not brought out the right meaning. I meditated on the lines and the translation got revised of its own accord, as it were...Thanks once again...

  3. Tirumantiram is holy incantation and hence its lines are vibrating with the energy of Siva, the Supreme. It is enough if one keeps mulling over the lines with a blank mind, and the lines are bound to reveal themselves...
