One Word Many Meanings

Each Classical Tamil word has many possible meanings

Because in incantation languages like Classical Tamil, each word has many possible meanings to it, with mind humbly invoking Lord Siva's Grace, we just have to look into the classical Tamil dictionary for the meaning of each word in a Tirumantiram verse that yields a coherent and wholesome meaning.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tirumantiram 146 - Tantra 1 - Upon disembodiment, our subtle body does not know how to re-enter the body

காலும் இரண்டும் முகட்டு-அலகு ஒன்று-உள(து)
பால்-உள் பருங்கழி முப்பத்து-இரண்டு உள
மேல்-உள கூரை பிரியும் பிரிந்தால்-முன்
போல்-உயிர் மீளப் புகல்-அறியாதே.  146.

இரண்டும் - இரண்டுபடும்

1  Air-even separation-befalling atop-nose one-abides
2  Whiteness-having thick-stick(/s) 32 abide
3  Expanded-in-front-abiding sand-house separate-will separates-if, Before-
4  -Like-life return-to entering knows-not (lo! coursed and counted thus)

1  One nose, (wherein) even air befalls separation (through its 2 nostrils),
    abides at the top (in our physical frame)
2  32 thick sticks (teeth), having whiteness, abide (in our physical frame)
3  (Our subtle body, abiding) expanded in front (of our physical frame, like a) sand-house,
    will separate (itself on our death, from our physical frame)
4  If it thus separates, it knows not how to return to and enter the physical frame like
    (it was) before (death) (lo! coursed and counted thus)

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