One Word Many Meanings

Each Classical Tamil word has many possible meanings

Because in incantation languages like Classical Tamil, each word has many possible meanings to it, with mind humbly invoking Lord Siva's Grace, we just have to look into the classical Tamil dictionary for the meaning of each word in a Tirumantiram verse that yields a coherent and wholesome meaning.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tirumantiram 142 - Tantra 1 - Beholding Siva's dance, devotees reach the sky of space

போதம்-தரும் எங்கள் புண்ணிய நந்தியைப்
போதம்-தனில் வைத்துப் புண்ணியர் ஆயினர்
நாதன் நடத்தால் நயனம் களி-கூர
வேதம் துதித்திடப் போய்-அடைந்தார் விண்ணே.  142.

Literal Translation
1  Wisdom granting our Holy Nandi (Siva)
2  Intelligence (it)self-in maintaining, Meritorious became-they
3  Lord dance-by eye joy-abounding
4  Veda Praising, (having) gone-(they-) reached Sky-at (looking above and counted thus).

Lucid Translation
1  By maintaining their intelligence in our Holy Nandi (Siva), who grants Wisdom,
2  they (the devotees of Siva) became meritorious.
3  With the joy for the eye(s) abounding by the Lord's (Siva's) dance, and
4  Veda Praising, they (the devotees of Siva) went towards and reached the Sky (of Space).

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